How To Make A Beautiful Candy Paint Job
Close your eyes and imagine a radiant candy orange sports car glimmering at a car show. Now picture yourself in a gallery and you open your eyes to see the most beautiful sunset painting with a silhouette of palm trees in the background. Today I'm going to tell you how you can make a beautiful candy paint job. I've painted radiant red candy racing stripes on a dodge truck, blazing realistic fire, awe inspiring silhouette on tail gates, and relaxing beach sunset paintings on canvas. The one thing these all have in common is I used candy colors. You will need a small list of art workshop supplies depending on what you want to paint. First with candy paint you need a base color. There is an unlimited combination of base colors but the three most popular are white silver and gold. For instance I mix white with a little yellow to make real flames, and if I want a light metallic candy color I use silver as a base and if I want a dark metallic candy color I use gold as my base. Candy...